The Differences Between Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse


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The word “addiction” has become quite commonly used in relation to the effects of a number of different drugs and substances. It is also commonly used interchangeably with other similar terms, such as “abuse” or “dependency.” However, it is important to distinguish between these three separate concepts: addiction, drug abuse and drug dependence. For those who are unfamiliar with the details of how these different terms manifest themselves in the real world, it can be difficult to make sense of their different appearances, especially when they overlap to such an extent. Therefore, reading through this article should leave you with enough information to understand these distinctions better from now on. Read on to learn more about the differences between drug addiction and drug abuse. If you looking for Best rehabilitation centre in Kolkata, contact Zorba Wellness.

What is Drug Addiction?

Drug addiction is the intense desire to use drugs, coupled with the expectation that drug use will relieve some type of perceived stress. This expectation is usually based on the idea that drug use will provide some sort of benefit, such as increased self-confidence, a sense of relaxation, or feelings of pleasure and happiness. However, common feelings of stress will not be relieved by drug use. In fact, the likelihood of experiencing stress is only increased if a person engages in drug use, because now the person has the drug in their system as well. In order to avoid experiencing even more stress, the individual may choose to continue this cycle of using drugs, even though it is causing the person a great deal of pain. Unfortunately, the person may not be able to recognize this pain, as they may feel they are merely following the same pattern that has always caused negative feelings. Drug addiction, then, is a condition in which an individual’s use of drugs has become their primary source of comfort and relief from stress. In this manner, drug addiction is similar to a psychological disorder, such as an eating disorder.

What is Drug Abuse?

Drug abuse is the act of using a drug, even just once, under any circumstance other than as part of a legitimate medical treatment. However, some medications, such as painkillers and anti-anxiety medication, can be abused with negative consequences if used incorrectly. In this sense, drug abuse involves placing the focus on the use of a drug, rather than on the need for it. Even though the individual in this situation has not contracted an addiction to the substance itself, the focus is still on the fact that the substance is being used. Moreover, the person may not view this use as an aberration, but rather as a normal, even expected, part of their life.

What is Drug Dependence?

Dependence occurs when the body has become dependent on the effects of drugs, or on the presence or presence of a certain environment, such as pills or a certain setting. This dependence can cause the user to crave the substance or the substance itself, without the person being able to experience happiness without the influence of the substance present. Moreover, the person may start to view drug use as a way of coping with their problems, rather than as a way of relieving them entirely. In this case, the person has become addicted to the effects and side-effects of drugs, rather than to the drugs themselves.

Symptoms of Drug Dependence

A person who is addicted to drugs will often experience a number of physical and mental symptoms, depending on their level of dependence on the substance. These symptoms include: cravings for the drug, mood swings, depression, anxiety and insomnia. Moreover, the person may even start to view their own responsibilities, such as work and family duties, as being insignificant, because they are no longer prioritized by the person’s drug use.

Differences Between Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse

  • A drug addict is someone who has become dependent on a substance, such as alcohol, cocaine or heroin. However, drug abuse does not involve becoming dependent on drugs. — A drug addict is someone who has become dependent on a substance, such as alcohol, cocaine or heroin. However, drug abuse does not involve becoming dependent on drugs.

Drug addiction is characterized by a continued desire to use a drug, despite the person’s knowledge that the use of drugs has become a habit, rather than a choice.

Drug abuse is characterized by a desire to use a drug, without any intention of resolving the underlying issues that may have led the person to engage in drugs in the first place.

Drug dependence is characterized by a physical change in the brain associated with the regular use of drugs.

Symptoms of Drug Dependence

Physical Symptoms:

  • Muscle aches and pains, often in the arms and legs, that are caused by the use of an opioid. — Muscle aches and pains, often in the arms and legs, that are caused by the use of an opioid.

Mental Symptoms:

  • Insomnia, which may be caused by the effects of the drug on the body, or on the person’s normal sleep cycle. — Insomnia, which may be caused by the effects of the drug on the body, or on the person’s normal sleep cycle.
  • Fatigue, which is caused by the effects of the drug on the person’s body and brain. — Fatigue, which is caused by the effects of the drug on the person’s body and brain.


Whether a person is considered to be addicted to drugs or is engaging in drug abuse, the person is engaging in a dangerous behavior that can have a lasting impact on their lives, including their employment prospects. Therefore, it is important to consider both drug addiction and drug abuse, as well as the symptoms of drug dependence and the dangers of drug dependence, in order to get the best possible perspective on how to best deal with these issues in one’s life. Zorba Wellness — The best rehabilitation Centers in kolkata.

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