Is Addiction a Disease or a Choice?


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Does addiction fall into the same category as diabetes or high blood pressure? The answer depends on whom you ask. Those who have struggled with an addiction will say their disease drove them to seek bliss in substances, while those who have not will point to the harmful choices an addict makes. In many ways, these are two sides of the same coin. The biggest difference is how we approach treatment for it. While some countries view addictions as a moral failing or a chronic disease that can be treated through medication, others look at it as a matter of choice and self-restraint. Let’s take a look at what we know about this controversial topic and where we stand today.

What is addiction?

Addiction is a complex and often misunderstood condition that affects people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. It is characterized by an uncontrollable drive to use a substance, regardless of negative social, personal, and health consequences. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) defines substance use disorders as “characterized by clinically significant impairment in one or more important areas of functioning (e.g., at work, home, or school; within a social context; or in one’s health).” This can include a range of issues including physical, psychological, and behavioral health issues as well as issues related to one’s work, relationships, or other aspects of one’s life. If someone is addicted to drugs, alcohol, or anything else, they have an addiction. Sometimes, an addiction can be a bad habit or cravings that interfere with daily life. Other times, it can be a mental illness with serious health and social consequences.

Does addiction have a cause?

There is no medical condition known as addiction, and there is no specific path that leads a person to become addicted. Addiction is a behavioral, sociological issue that people struggle with. The causes of addiction are complex and may include environmental, genetic, and other factors. The fact that addiction is a complex issue means it has many potential treatments. Some addicts choose treatment, while others need it. People who are addicted may also be able to recover on their own if they are willing to make the effort.

Does addiction require treatment?

Yes. Someone who has an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or other substances may benefit from treatment. Addiction is often a complex issue that involves many different aspects of a person’s life. It can cause problems in areas like finances, relationships, health, and work. Some people may struggle with addiction to substances, while others may struggle with depression or other mental health issues. In these cases, treatment may be necessary to address all the issues at play. Addiction is not a cause for shame or embarrassment. It is a serious illness that can cause serious harm to a person’s life, their family, and their loved ones. It is important to seek help so that the person suffering from addiction can receive the treatment they need to get better and lead a healthy life.

Addictive substances

Drugs, whether they are natural (such as marijuana) or synthetic (such as crystal meth), can cause serious damage to the brain. The chemicals in these substances alter brain function, which affects how a person feels and thinks. This can leave a person feeling euphoric or anxious, depending on how often they use the substance. Drugs can cause permanent damage to the brain, which can lead to addiction, but most drugs cause temporary changes that people can recover from. The key is coping with these changes in a healthy way.

The 12 steps of Alcoholic Anonymous

AA is a self-help program for alcohol addiction. It was founded in 1935 by a group of alcoholics in Akron, Ohio, and has since expanded to more than 100 countries. AA has 12 steps that are meant to help addicts recover. The program is designed to help an addict make healthy decisions through rigorous self-reflection, as they attempt to address their problems while working to stop using alcohol. AA can be incredibly beneficial for people struggling with alcohol addiction. It is a helpful program that offers support and guidance while acting as a source of information for those looking to better their lives.

Why do people become addicted?

There are many reasons why someone might become addicted to substances, including a poor coping mechanism for life’s difficulties. Someone may abuse drugs or alcohol because it feels good, provides a brief escape from reality, or relieves stress. If someone develops an addiction, it means they need the substance to feel normal. AA is not a treatment for addiction itself; it is a support network for people who are attempting to get better. Addiction is a serious illness, and it is important to seek help. However, many people find that they can overcome addiction on their own if they are willing to make the effort.

Should we treat addictions as a disease?

There are some who argue that addiction should be viewed as a disease, like diabetes or high blood pressure. This perspective is based on the idea that addiction is caused by a biological malfunction in the brain that leads a person to self-destruct via substance abuse. Some researchers believe that addiction is a disease because of the biological changes that occur in the brain. The reward circuit that tells the brain “do this again” when someone consumes a substance is activated in the same way when someone eats a delicious meal. This means that when someone consumes a substance, their brain gets the same “alert” as when they experience pleasure from eating.


Addictions can be very damaging, both to the person who uses drugs and the people around them. However, there are ways to tackle these issues, and most people are able to overcome an addiction on their own if they are willing to make the effort. It may be helpful to seek professional help if you or your loved one is struggling with an addiction. People who have been addicted to drugs and alcohol may also benefit from treatment through rehabilitation, which is a specialized program designed to help people recover from drug and alcohol abuse.

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