How to help a drug addict

Everyone seems to have a friend struggling with a substance use problem. In the United States alone, approximately 23 million people struggle with a substance use disorder such as alcoholism, drugs, or nicotine addiction. Addicts often have trouble resisting their urges to use, and when they do use, it can have dangerous consequences. It’s difficult for anyone to watch someone you care about suffering from an addiction. But if you’re ready to take action, there are many things you can do. Drug addiction isn’t just hurting themselves; it also exposes others to dangerous substances and risks their lives. If you feel uncomfortable discussing your friend’s problem or don’t know how to help them, don’t worry — resources available can help. Rather than just feeling helpless and worried about what might happen, you can begin taking action immediately.

Start with a phone call.

If you haven’t spoken to your loved one in a while, please call and check in on them. You can also set up a coffee date or invite them to dinner to catch up while you’re doing something together. This can be a great way to break the ice and ease your loved one back into a relationship with you. If you’re worried about your loved one’s current state of mind, try asking them questions about themselves and their life to open the conversation up. While on the phone call with your loved one, don’t just focus on their current problems; instead, try to focus on small talk topics that will help you two connect. Ask about their day, what they’ve been doing, and how they feel. When you show genuine interest in your loved one and ask open-ended questions instead of just listening and responding to one-word answers, it can help calm them and show them why you care about them.

Be supportive

Moves to connect and communicate with your loved one will make a huge difference, but you can also show your loved one how supportive you are in other ways. If your loved one is currently addicted to alcohol, for example, stay away from any drinks you both have while you’re together. If you loved one drinks, speak up when they’re getting too buzzed and too risky.

Understand the reasons for drug use.

When someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they may have trouble understanding their own reasons for using. That’s because when you’re addicted to a substance, you’re usually focused on obtaining it and avoiding feelings of sadness, stress, and anxiety. You may not even realize that you’ve changed because of your substance use. The first step to helping your loved one is understanding the reasons for using drugs. When you do this, you can help them see why using drugs is affecting them in the ways it’s doing.

Stay connected to your loved one when they’re in recovery.

When your loved one is in recovery from their substance use, you must stay connected to them. This means being around them when you can but staying away when you need to be somewhere. You can make phone calls to your loved one, text them, and visit them in person when you can. Be sure to let them know that you’re there for them and that you’re willing to help them if they need it. Keeping in touch with your loved ones in recovery can significantly help. It’s important to be patient and not over-communicate. You don’t want to force your loved one to talk to you if they’re not ready, but being patient and open can help them when they’re ready.

Help them find long-term recovery.

When your loved one is ready to start getting sober, you can be a great support in helping them with this. First, you can try to get your loved one into a drug or alcohol treatment program as soon as possible. A program can help your loved one learn how to manage their urges, develop tools for coping with the problems that led them to use drugs, and get support from others who are also in recovery. You can also try to get your loved one into a drug or alcohol treatment program immediately. It’s essential to get your loved one into treatment as soon as they’re ready to get help because they’ll be able to get the treatment they need much faster this way.

Learn about addiction and risk factors.

Understanding the causes and risk factors for substance use disorders can help you, and your loved one better understand the situation. The National Institute on Drug Abuse has an excellent section on its website about the causes of substance use disorders, which you can learn more about here. If you want to learn more about how to help a drug addict, many resources are available. You can speak with a counsellor, attend support group meetings, or look into online forums on substance use disorders. You can also contact your local community health centre or mental health clinic to see if they offer addiction-related treatment.

Practice self-care so you can help others too.

If you’re serious about helping a loved one who is struggling with substance use disorder, you’ll have to be serious about taking care of yourself too. Make sure to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and take time out of your schedule to spend with family and friends. Having healthy relationships and fulfilling activities outside of addiction will help you take care of yourself better, which in turn will help you better help others. Self-care is essential not only for your mental health but also for your physical health. Bad habits such as drinking too much alcohol or smoking cigarettes can seriously affect your body and harm your physical health.


Addiction is a complicated issue affecting many people and families in different ways. If you notice any changes in your loved one’s behaviour, such as secrecy or lying, or if your loved one has trouble getting out of bed in the morning because of their drug use, you must get help immediately. Many resources are available to help people struggling with substance use disorders, and you can begin one by speaking with someone today.

Zorba Wellness is one of the Rehabs in India for the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction.

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