
Showing posts from December, 2022

How to take care of mental health

  It’s not easy being human. When we deal with stress, sadness, and other difficult emotions we call it “mental health issues”. Most of us experience moments when we feel down and lonely. But what if your reaction to these feelings – when left unchecked – turns into a chronic condition that is difficult to treat? For most people, mental-health conditions tend to appear in their late teens or early twenties. In fact, nearly half of adolescents in the U.S., and two-thirds of those ages about 18, will experience a diagnose mental disorder by age 23. But not everyone shows symptoms of mental illness until much later in life — especially if they have a stable support network and access to resources that help them cope with the stressors in their lives so they don’t become overwhelmed and turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance use or isolation from other people. Mental health has been defined in many ways. In the mental health field, it is the state

The Differences Between Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse

  This article was originally published at — The word “addiction” has become quite commonly used in relation to the effects of a number of different drugs and substances. It is also commonly used interchangeably with other similar terms, such as “abuse” or “dependency.” However, it is important to distinguish between these three separate concepts: addiction, drug abuse and drug dependence. For those who are unfamiliar with the details of how these different terms manifest themselves in the real world, it can be difficult to make sense of their different appearances, especially when they overlap to such an extent. Therefore, reading through this article should leave you with enough information to understand these distinctions better from now on. Read on to learn more about the differences between drug addiction and drug abuse. If you looking for Best rehabilitation cent

What You Need To Know About Drug Addiction

  What is drug addiction? It is a chronic brain disease that causes you to regularly seek and use a drug despite its harmful consequences. While the initial decision to take the medication is voluntary, the brain changes over time until you lose control over the intake of the medication. We have the best drug and alcohol de addiction centre in Chennai . Things That Happen When You Take Drugs Drugs contain chemicals that tap into the communication system of your brain thus disrupting the way that your nerve cells send, receive, and process information. The drugs bring about disruption by imitating the natural chemical messengers in the brain. The drugs also bring about disruption by overstimulating the "reward circuit" of the brain. Research studies have shown that several drugs such as heroin and marijuana have structures that are almost similar to neurotransmitters produced in the brain. The similarity "fools" the brain receptors thus activating the nerve c

Why the Elderly Are at Risk For Drug Addiction

  While drug abuse can appear to be all around us, showing up in demographics as young as pre-teens and up through middle age, many would agree that at least one age group would be safe. As hard as it can be to believe, elderly Indians are currently one of the fastest-growing age groups of drug addicts. We have the rehabs in Mumbai . Availability of Drugs When viewing these statistics, one naturally asks how this could happen. How can any group increase their amount of drug use to such a large degree? One reason may simply be the wide availability of powerful drugs for the elderly to become addicted to. When we think of drug addiction, images of illegal street drugs like cocaine or heroin usually come to mind. Some of the most powerful and highly addictive drugs are the completely legal class of prescription painkillers called opiates, and many elderly Indians are prescribed at least one. 30% of the elderly are prescribed at least five medications. With so many drugs avai

Importance of Getting Over an Alcohol Addiction

  Quitting alcohol is a healthy and desirable choice, and has profound effects on every aspect of our existence. If one chooses to give up the use of alcohol entirely, it does not indicate that he has any alcohol-related issues. However, if a person is addicted to alcohol, ceasing its use is all the more advantageous. We have the best rehabs in Kolkata . Alcohol affects our lives in many ways, more so if consumption is excessive. It can hamper the normal functioning of our bodies by destabilizing blood glucose levels, and can also reduce energy levels. Alcohol can have telling consequences on our health, relationships, career, and emotional well-being. Giving up the substance allows us to put our life together. Quitting alcohol is tough, and becomes more difficult as a result of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. But the initial detox period generally lasts only for 2-4 days, after which the withdrawal symptoms are not severe if they do occur at all. Thereafter, one regains fit