
Showing posts from February, 2023

Nutrition and Addiction

  People who struggle with addictions often lack the self-control needed to resist temptation. That’s because these people may be low in certain nutrients that are essential for maintaining a balanced diet, controlling cravings and resisting temptations. In this article, we discuss the importance of nutrition in fighting addictions and how different nutrients can help you do so. You will learn about specific foods that you should consume more of, as well as foods that you should limit or avoid altogether if you want to succeed. What is nutrition and how does it affect addiction? Nutrition refers to the intake of food and beverages. In order to stay alive and function, your brain, nervous system, muscles and other body tissues need nutrients. Nutrients are divided into macromolecules (such as enzymes, vitamins, and minerals) and micromolecules (such as amino acids). The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. It is responsible for a person’s thoughts, feelings, memory

Nature’s Treatment For Addiction

  A new study has found that the brain’s natural response to addiction involves a decrease in the production of new neurons, which is known as neurogenesis. This process of creating new neurons plays an important role in learning and memory. Addiction is defined by compulsive drug taking and craving, even when it leads to negative consequences such as social isolation and deterioration of interpersonal relationships. It also creates a vicious cycle because the more we take drugs or alcohol, the more likely we are to become addicted. The new research article focused on changes in gene activity during the development of Wnt signalling pathway genes in adolescent rats. The Wnt Signalling pathway plays a central role in cell-cell interactions in developing animals and regulates cell development, movement, cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis (programmed cell death) in adult animals. This pathway was discovered more than two decades ago and continues to hold great promise for t

Types of Addictions

The types of addictions can be categorized as either substance or behavioral. Substance addictions are characterized by compulsive behaviors that lead to continuous abuse of a particular substance. On the other hand, behavioral addictions are triggered by stress and this is why they are also referred to as ‘stress-related’ addictions. Substance abuse includes using different substances like alcohol, drugs, foods, and so on while behavioral addictions involve engaging in activities that may seem normal but hurt one’s life over time. People with any type of addiction will exhibit certain common traits and these include: Substance Abuse One of the most common types of addiction is substance abuse. Examples of substances that can lead to substance abuse include alcohol, prescription drugs, marijuana, and so on. In most cases, substance abuse leads to a craving for a substance that is not good for the person’s health and is a reason to seek addiction treatment. Substance abuser craves t

Is Addiction a Disease or a Choice?

  Article originally published on Does addiction fall into the same category as diabetes or high blood pressure? The answer depends on whom you ask. Those who have struggled with an addiction will say their disease drove them to seek bliss in substances, while those who have not will point to the harmful choices an addict makes. In many ways, these are two sides of the same coin. The biggest difference is how we approach treatment for it. While some countries view addictions as a moral failing or a chronic disease that can be treated through medication, others look at it as a matter of choice and self-restraint. Let’s take a look at what we know about this controversial topic and where we stand today. What is addiction? Addiction is a complex and often misunderstood condition that affects people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. It is characterized by an uncontrollable drive to use a subs

How to Approach a Loved One Struggling with Chemical Dependency

  It can feel like your world has fallen apart when a family member struggles with substance abuse. It’s as if you suddenly have to run an obstacle course and deal with every bit of frustration, disappointment, and self-doubt that comes along with it. Your whole life is turned upside down by the one person you trusted and loved more than anyone else. While no one expects the impact of a loved one’s addiction on the entire family, many people don’t know how to react or what to do when their child or spouse is battling with chemical dependency. This can make it feel as if this new reality will never end and that everyone involved will be trapped in its clutches for life. But while it might not seem like it now, things can get better over time. If you have hope that those things will get better, done. Don’t ignore it Many people are afraid to admit that they are concerned about a loved one’s substance abuse. They worry that if they ask, their loved one will get defensive or their